
If you are a first time visitor you may have wondered about the name of this website! The reason for this name giving is actually very simple: it indicates my somewhat exotic profession which has nothing to do with electronics or website design.

But, at first the actual weather based on weather data generated at the dutch Maastricht Airport – MAA – which is located approximately 20 km from my home town.


My special interests













A link to my profession which references to the name of this website.

Purely exotic.
As a test platform this website should obviously be filled with some content. Therefore I have decided to show some projects of one of the most interesting hobbies which one can have. In addition to the activities which I already described I am also very active in my church. ...and I am an avid motorcyle rider.

As one of my additional hobbies I have built this website as a test platform for a simple, but effective Content Management System named CMSimple. For more information about CMSimple please click the link at the left bottom corner of this page.

Enough introduction! If you find something of interest, if you want to get more information about a subject or if you just want to say 'Hello' please use the Mailform in the main site menu on the left.

Many thanks

Your Admin

Horst, DL6KBF